Sunday 9 February 2014

Research - Summary - Genre

How has this genre research helped?

  • After analysing and researching Supernatural Horror movies I can clearly establish the key conventions and elements in order to produce a clip, which meets all the conventions and codes of the genre.
  • Personally, key characters and the score of the production are the most important element, due to the fact they emphases and accentuates the tension of the scene and helps to create the appropriate mood and atmosphere.
  • Furthermore, I think Holly and Myself need to ensure we clearly establish to the audience the protagonist and antagonist of the film, to help create a more conventional narrative.
  • The Mise En Scene is also a vital element into the production of a Horror genre movie . As without it the audience will unable to establish the genre or have some insight into the narrative.
  • Following from this, the Mise en scene is all important, however in my opinion, the location is the most important, as a conventional Horror movie is set in a isolated location to add tension and the mood/atmosphere.For example a woodland, which is the setting we will film ours in, as it meets the conventions of the genre and is convenient for us.

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