Sunday 23 February 2014

Planning - Casting for 'Inner Demon'

Before filming our opening scene, Holly and myself started to think of people to use who would suit the criteria for each character in the scene.We needed two characters in the opening scene, the protagonist and antagonist.

Character- Female Jogger (Protagonist)

Actress- Jade Suddaby


Why Chosen?- The actor is at a similar age to our target audience therefore they will be able to relate more to the scene.We also needed a young female who was comfortable working in front of a camera. Therefore I volunteered to play the role, although I have little experience in acting, I am confident that I will be able to portray this character to our exact expectations.
Involvement- I will be featured in the majority of the opening scene, as I am playing the main character (Protagonist), which is made clear in the opening scene . Numerous camera shots will be used of myself, from worms eye to extreme-close ups.I will also be involved to some of the camera work, which doesn't show my character, such as the establishing shot and the birds eye view.
I am also head of makeup and costume design, aswell as co-producer, co-director and editor.

                                    Character- Female Supernatural being (Antagonist) 

Actress- Holly Suddaby

Why Chosen?- We chose to use this person as our protagonist because she fits the character's criteria, with long curly hair portraying the exact imagery of the supernatural antagonist.
She is also of a similar height and visual to the actress playing the protagonist, as she is my twin, therefore it would make the story line more realist, linking back to the film name 'Inner Demon', giving the idea to the audience that the two characters are the same person, good versus evil.
Involvement- The actress will be featured in just over half the scene, which the majority of the shots will be extreme long shots, as the face of the character isn't revealed to the audience in this scene, helping add to the suspense.
She will appear as a figure, ensuring the characters facial features and expressions aren't shown.
She is also our co-make-up and costume design, aswell as head producer, director and chief editor.

Other cast members- Jack Suddaby

Why Chosen?- As this cast member has access to advance filming equipment, such as high quality cameras and stabilization resources, like a dolly, we made him our chief equipment and prop manager.
He also has past experience in filming ,  due to a his profession in the media industry. He currently works for the radio, aswell as producing his own organisation 'Sublime Arts', which requires high levels of quality filming.
Involvement-  co-producer, co-director, and chief prop and equipment manager 
Aswell as providing us with advise and his expertise on the production of the scene.

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