Sunday 23 February 2014

Planning - Lighting

My previous post has test shots of our locations, which were all filmed using natural light.After looking back over the shots we could see how the quality of the image was effected, due to the dark lighting and mist/fog, therefore we need to consider what effect to use in order to change this.

We have thought about using Colour Grading and Gray-scale which would clear the image, it would also make the shots seem dark and eerie, meeting the conventions of our chosen genre.However this might harm the professionalism of our opening, as it may appear unrealistic to the audience.
Before taking the test shots, Holly and myself had intentions to film our opening at dusk, however the lighting appealed overexposed, from doing this we came to a decision to film our final project late afternoon (4-6pm) as the lighting is dark, however not to the extend where the shots are overexposed, so we can edit and develop over them.

After establishing we were going to develop on the shots using visual effects like Colour Grading, as we are both inexperienced using 'Final Cut Pro' , Holly and myself did some research and we found a range of tutorials to help us understand how to use these visual effects.

Colour Grading tutorial

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