Wednesday 19 February 2014

Planning- Technicalities

What could go wrong?

When producing our film we could encounter a range of complications and problems.Which could occur  by the lack of efficiency in our group's communication, organisation, dynamics and technology.
Below I have clearly identified numerous problems we could encounter,by doing this Holly and myself have become aware of the possible issues and will do our best to ensure we avoid them when filming/producing our opening.


  • Lack of ideas and inspiration within the group
  • Unexplained ideas or thoughts
  • Lack of notes 
  • Editing or changing elements of the film without groups knowledge or awareness
  • Conflict and disagreement over the production of the film
  • Not having access to film on a particular location
  • Forgetting equipment and props
  • Not filming a big enough quantity of footage
  • Wasting time/ inefficient time management ( spending a long period of time on the costumes and not the filming)
  • One individual dominating the production of the film, instead of working cooperatively as a group
  • Not listening to one another
  • Lacking respect for one another
  • Lack motivation towards work and being unproductive
  • relying on others to produce the work (being a passenger)
  • Batteries not fully charged
  • Lacking knowledge of camera functions 
  • Camera or equipment breaking
  • Poor sound quality
  • Poor lighting
  • Not having a stabilized camera when filming
  • Lacking variety of camera shots and edits

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