Friday 21 February 2014

Planning - Alternative Location Shots

After finding our main location's in the countryside of Northamptonshire, we found some alternative locations which we could use for other scenes, such as a harbour and beach, situated at Penzance in St Ives.We thought that this location would be good to show an establishing shot of the protagonist running.With the location being isolated and widely scaled  it would suit the genre of Horror , meeting the stereotypical conventions.

However, due to the weather conditions at
this time of year and the distance from our home,it would be unpractical and would complicate and add inconvenience to the production process.The sound quality and quality of shots would also be effected, with strong winds and mist from the sea, causing unfocused shots.As the location is far from where we live it will be difficult to go back to the location if needed, therefore would slow the production and editing of our scene down, with us unable to re-film /re-do certain shots in the scene.Therefore although this location is a conventional and effective setting, with the correct surroundings and lighting, the drawbacks out weigh the benefits, making it an unpractical, inappropriate location.

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