Tuesday 22 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 6

Throughout the project I learnt a variety of different skills from a large number of technologies, which were;

Editing technologies 

Internet/Website technologies

Free Play Music
I used this site to find copyright free music, http://www.freeplaymusic.com/, which was downloadable and appropriate for my opening scene.Holly and I decided to use two piece of music from this site, which was later downloaded and imported in Soundtrack Pro to be edited on and added to our timeline on FinalCut Pro.We had never used this website before, therefore it was a new experience for both of us, because of this it may of taken us longer to find our music then normal, because at first we were unsure and new at navigating around the site.Yet as our peers were also using this site, we diced to get some advise and support off them, with their advise in using the site, they showed us keywords which worked to find relevant music to our genre, such as 'eerie music' and 'woodland tracks'.

Holly and I used YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/, frequently throughout our project, to upload any new footage or feedback we had produced.We found it easily and efficient to use, and as Holly had previous experience in using the programme, this was her area of work, however if I had to upload anything she would offer her support and guidance on how to do this.I learnt how to do this and picked it up fairly quickly.By the end of the editing stage I was confidant at using this site, being able to add annotations and titles onto the videos/footage independently.

Holly and I used Blogger, https://www.blogger.com, throughout our project to record and document all stages of our film opening.It also helped us to become more organised and aware of the deadline dates.Blogger was a key piece of technology used in our project, which was also new to Holly and myself.I was taught how to operate and navigate myself around the site at the beginning of the project.I later learnt how to change the template and layout of my blog, making it appear more professional and easy to use.I also learnt how to edit the dates and labels of my posts to make sure they were all in chronological order.I also learnt how to embed videos and photos into my posts into the HTML tab, which was a very useful skill to learn, as almost every post contained a video or image.By having these skills it made it very easy and quick to create posts at a detailed/high standard.

This site , www.slideshare.net, was used to upload PowerPoint presentations into, which were later uploaded/embedded onto by blog.I used this site frequently, as it was a quick and efficient way to transport/upload presentations and was available for the my partner, Holly, to also use and update her blog with.As I had no previous experience using this site, the whole uploading process was new to me, therefore I learnt to do this, adding the appropriate heading and content.I also improved my skills on blogger by using this, as I had to embed these presentation onto my blog, therefore it required me to know how to
copy and paste the code to allow it appear correctly  and in the right position of my post for it to work.

This site, http://prezi.com/, was used at the end of my project, for my evaluation questions, it allowed me to present the information in a interesting and appealing way, making it more attractive to read and view.Like Slideshare and Blogger, I had no previous experience at using this site, therefore I have to ask Holly for advise and support when using it, as she had had past experience.I learnt how to create a template and path for my Prezi to follow, alongside adding images and video onto the presentation.I also learnt how to embed this file onto my post's.

Production/Filming technologies

Storage and additional technologies 
Throughout my project I learnt and gained knowledge of the different ways I can saved work and files on devices;

SD Card and USB reader

Holly and I saved the majority of our work on this device, as I had some experience  using one and Holly had a vast amount of experience, as she uses it for her photography, therefore we decided to save our footage and edited shots onto here, as well as our rough-cut and feedback work.This was a good piece of technology to use, as we were able to place this into our camera and save our footage, which we filmed, onto it with ease.As we had a 16GB SD we had more than enough storage space to save work so this wasn't a problem/issue.I learnt how to transfer and export footage from the card to the Mac.I also learnt how to burn over and delete files when necessary, which was a good, as it kept us organised.The reader allowed us to plug in our SD card to the Macs and Macbooks, like a memory stick, and quickly transfer footage needed.

Nikon CoolPix Camera and tripod
This camera was used to record any backstage footage and feedback on our project.I learnt how to use this to record several interviews and I also learnt how to set a timer on it, so that it would record without the need for  a camera man/women.When using this camera, Holly and I always used a Tripod, to allow the camera to be steady whilst filming and to make the camera stand without the need of someone holding it.I therefore learnt how to angle it and to set the Tripod up, making sure it was at an appropriate height to film.Although this is a basic requirement for filming, I had no previous experience at using one, therefore this really helped me to understand how to, and will help and benefit me in the further as well .

Advantages to digital technology 
There are many advantages to having digital technology instead of analogue, for example;

Overall, I have learnt a range of different skills from a variety of different technologies, in all stages of my project.The majority are worthy and beneficial skills, which I can use in the future.In comparison from the beginning of the project, I now know a considerable larger amount, looking back over the 'Advantages to digital technology', I can see how beneficial it is for us to be able to access it so easily and quickly and how it allows us to reach a global audience instantly, through sites like YouTube.
Without the development of technology, from analogue to digital, I think Holly and I would struggle, as our overall piece would lack the quality needed to gain a high enough appeal.

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