Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 4

What would be your target audience for your media product?

Stereotype's of our ideal consumer/audience

Female example
Stereo-typically, Holly and I would assume that our female audience would be similar to this example;

16 year old, Annie Hodge, AS Student, with hobbies of swimming and dance.Enjoys socialising with friends and shopping on the weekends. Regularly Uses sites, like Facebook and Instagram and listens to Radio 1 Extra, Kiss and The Top 40.Works every Tuesday at the coffee bar as a waitress.

Annie is the ideal female consumer we are aiming to appeal our film towards.Although Annie enjoys shopping and socializing, as it happens, she also has a interest in watching Supernatural Horror genre films.By finding a member of audience and reviewing that individual's habits and interests, helps us establish who we are marketing and distributing our movie towards, giving us ideas on how to do this.For example promoting and informing our audience about our film could be done through social media sites, as our female example expresses how she uses them on a regular basis.
As Annie is fond of using the Internet, Campaigns could also be made to entice our audience.The younger generation stereo typically enjoy Supernatural Horror films more, with the idea of them watching it with their friends, as a social gathering or event, therefore aiming our film towards them is wise, as it is a popular choice of genre for their age range.

Male example
Stereo-typically, Holly and I would assume that our male audience would be similar to this example;

17 year old, Harry Stanley, College Student, with hobbies of football and athletics.Enjoys socialising with friends and playing computer games.Uses Facebook and Twitter every evening and works part-time at Odeon Cinema.Listens to R&B and The Top 40 on his Apple Ipod.

Harry is an exact example of what we assume our male audience will be.This makes it easier for us to meet our audience's needs and expectations, As Harry follows the conventional stereotypes of someone in his generation, we can include elements into our film to help it appeal more to that kind of audience criteria. For example we used a Ipod/MP3 Player as a prop in our opening scene, which our male example, Harry, can relate to, as he mentions he listen's to his 'Apple Ipod'.We wanted to make our Protagonist as realistic as possible, therefore casting someone who was of a similar age to our audience was crucial and using the appropriate mise en scene. Having a younger audience, was in some ways easier, as Holly and myself are of a similar age, we found it much easier to produce our media product, as we knew, what appealed to us, would also appeal to our audience too.

How did we decided our BFFC rating?

I decided to produce a video to explain how we chose our audience and classification rating for our media product.It also provides detail on the type of feedback we received.

We decided to give our media product (film) a 15+ classification rating, as we felt that the contents didn't contain any violence or scenes of a sexual natural, and therefore suitable for a slightly younger audience instead of 18 and above.Our film contains more psychological events, than gore and slasher, with it building the tension throughout till the end climax.We wanted it to be structured in this way, after looking at many different examples of films with the same genre, such as Paranormal Activity and Mama, because we felt like this way was the most effective in engaging our audience.
As mentioned before, by making our classification 15 and above, helps us relate more to our audience, with us being the same age as our targeted consumers, we believe that we can add and give all the desires they expect, as we know what our generation appeal to.

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