Wednesday 29 January 2014

Research - Film Openings 4 - Codes and Conventions

Miss Potter

(0.00-2.22 minutes)

Introduction to the film/Brief background

The fourth film I have chosen to analyse is a Drama movie, Miss Potter (2006).Directed by Chris Nooman, staring Emily Watson and Ewan McGrego, made by Phoenix Pictures. The film is a remodel of The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children's book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and her struggle for love, happiness and success.The film was budgeted $30,000,000 and £1,400,943 for the opening weekend.The film was highly successful, achieving a Golden Globe in 2007, as well as a Capri Hollywood award in the same year.

Film's Narrative for the Opening scene
The scene's narrative shows denotations of a female character painting.I received this representation from the femininity of the characters hands, being clean and well maintained.

Incidental music is used throughout the scene, this helps engage the audience from the beginning to the end.The tone increases in volume from beginning to end, which again helps to engage the audience and adds interest to the scene.
The sound used is a soft piano bass, with a harmony over the top, which comes in half way through the scene, when the establishing shot is shown, this, in my opinion, brings interest to the shot.Making it seem undisturbed and elegant.
Without this effect the scene would have a whole different emotion, I feel as if it summaries the characters mood and affections towards the location and her lifestyle.

Characters/Social groups and Mis en scene- A female subject is shown painting a landscape in watercolours. Stereotypically if the audience were to look at the activity the subject is doing , we would assume she is a more civilised and at a higher class.
Props- several props are used throughout the scene, such as paint brushes and palettes.These alone link and relate to the audience, with the majority/ first target audience being at a younger age, using paints and art engages them in, stereotypically linking arts and craft with younger children.

Yet because of the characters sification, this comment contradicts itself, because the art she is doing only looks possible to achieve by an older, more experienced painter.These props also help show the era in which the movie is based around, from the old-fashioned equipment, such as a knife , instead of a pencil sharper, I get the impression that it's based around the 1990's era, which is appropriate, as the the book is also in this era.

Costumes-The costumes of the characters/character are not yet identifiable to the audience.Yet from the opening we can infer that perhaps it would follow the conventional stereotype of a a higher class lady.With smart formal clothing, at a high quality, such as blouses in light/neutral colours.
Accent- Again, the accent is uncertain, yet I can infer the female's accent would be well-spoken and precise.With several establish shots of the location, I can also infer that due to being in the countryside of England, stereotypically the character would be English.
Makeup- The makeup palette is not shown, yet if I were to stereotype the character,I would assume her makeup is very clean and natural, by watching her actions she comes across very elegant and graceful.
The sound delivers Mis en scene of the target audience and movie genre almost immediately.With a light low bass, the incidental music creates a light at ease mood, connotates ideas peace and pleasant well-being.

The location shown through an establishing shot, showing an extreme long of the countryside, making the setting appear very isolated and rural.Yet with the harmony played over the top of this visual, it enforces the audience to gain the perspective that this scenery/setting is peaceful and disturbed.
The hills and woodlands, seem inhabited by moderation, a which gives me the impression that she is alone, however he body language suggests that she is content which this prospect, as she appears confident and relaxed.

The incidental music fades out at the end of the scene, which adds to the mystery of the film, enticing the audience to continue watching.

The atmosphere of the scene is very moving, with the music and scenery putting the audience at ease and peace.The silence of the character, also portrays her natural well being, allowing a positive and happy mood to be created.

The only titles in this scene is the institutional information, such as the the director and studio details.However the typography fits well with the overall scene, as the font it basic, yet elegant and is neutral in white and yellow.

Camera shots/Movements
An establishing shot is used, which helps set the scene and engages the audience, providing them with knowledge and understanding of the film location and genre.
Extreme-closeups are also used throughout the scene, showing clear visuals of the props used.This helps the scene become more intriguing and interesting.
Close-ups are also used to illustrate and show the props again, this is effective because it helps the audience gain some perspective on what the character is like and the actions/activities the subject is doing.

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